Our Services
JJ Education은 다년간의 교육경험과 노하우를 바탕으로 엄격한 내신관리, 중 고등 프렙, 썸머캠프, SAT/ACT 등 다양한 프로그램을 제공하고 있습니다. 이를 통해 수많은 학생들의 성적향상과 원하는 대학 진학의 꿈을 이루어 주고있습니다.
교과 커리큘럼 관련 외에도 전문적인 교육컨설팅, 토론, 에세이, 리써치, 봉사활동 등 아이들에게 꼭 필요한 대입준비를 다방면으로 제공합니다.
JJ Education은 언제나 학생들의 성공적인 학업성취를 위해 꾸준히 개발하고 노력하는 학원입니다.
-임지혜, 제시카 유 원장-

Proven Success:
Congratulations to Our Trusting Students and Parents!

I liked how all the lessons, tests, practices, and homework were all so organized. The lessons for math and English helped me understand all the concepts better! The most important thing that you guys taught was all the test taking strategies for each section. This helped me testing-wise
and also my work ethic.

Class of 2021
I loved the math and language arts lessons. The lessons really helped me review the past materials that I forgot about. The college research was kind of a wake up call for me because I hadn't thought of researching colleges yet...I do feel like I learned a lot these past 7 weeks and I'm very thankful you guys invest so much on us. This program was
so much more than
the others I've attended
and heard about.
I'm excited for coming
back in the fall!
Thank you :)

Class of 2020
Throughout this 7 week ACT program, I have learned how to take the ACT with a higher accuracy. From Monday to Thursday, you carefully went over all the materials and went over anything we didn't understand. I thought this program will be really challenging and difficult, but it actually wasn't. You guys made everything seem easier and less difficult.
I can't say it was completely easy
because it wasn't. I also really
appreciated how the both of you
talked to every single one of us individually. That showed
how much you care about
each student. Every lessons
you guys did helped me
so much.
You guys made learning fun!
Thank you so much!